The Best Video Game Consoles

Gaming consoles have always created a wave of benefits and differences that tend to highlight the exciting nature of a gamer. They bring in the right features and options that go a long way in leading the valuable experience of gaming. Since there are several gaming consoles, one will be confused about the right one. So to help you out on that front, here’s a list of the best gaming consoles of all time.

PlayStation 2

The best-selling game system of all time requires no introduction because it clearly let the market know about the classic features that it had to offer. By offering a whole range of features and changing things, the PlayStation 2 was a setup that brought forward bigger differences to the whole table. It captured the idea of gaming and helped everyone understand the major importance that it has over the industry. Thanks to all that, the PlayStation 2 will always remain a great gaming console, and you need to remember that.

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)


Coming close to the PlayStation 2, NES is another top gaming console that brought forward a good gaming experience. Released in 1985, the console was a valuable one that reviewed the gaming field and helped everyone out to a considerable extent. Apart from being one of the best-selling gaming consoles, it created a new wave in the gaming market, leaving people confused about the device they need to purchase.



The first line of PlayStation created a mark for the better, and it put forward a path for future consoles that were bound to take things forward. While we all sit right about the launch of new PlayStation consoles, we fail to remember how it all started. Due to that, you need to acknowledge the PlayStation and look towards the unique approach that it brought into the business. As a result, it is clearly one among the best gaming consoles of all time.

Nintendo Game Boy

Released in 1989, this handheld game system is another one that took the market by storm. While it does not stand in comparison with current gaming consoles, it did bring in features that were special for all the right reasons. By selling over 120 million units, the device turned out to be a classic and continues to be known in the same fashion. Thanks to all that, it is one of the best gaming consoles of all time.


The current gaming system might be different from these consoles that you read about. While the new age brings in classic devices, we must always remember how they arrived and what brought about that change. Hence, that was a list of the best gaming consoles.

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